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15 Apr 2016

My Exhibition!


Over 50 new artworks form the basis of a brand new exhibition, MARKS ON PAPER, showcasing gouache and oils by Jane Rist and charcoal and ink by Beryl White, artists making their London debut together at the Gallery at RK Burt and Co Ltd, Union St, in Waterloo with a private view on Wednesday 27th April from 12-2pm. 

Jane takes her influence from the Hampshire countryside and the Cornish coast. She works in large scale oils, and much smaller gouache, using a naturally-based colour palette of mainly blues, greys, browns, yellow and purples, with impasto and thinner paint juxtaposed to create contrasts in texture and interest. 

She rarely uses brushes, preferring to exploit the materiality of the paint via palette knives and sponges. In her work, she often takes features of the landscape as the centrepiece, which then slowly become obscured in many layers of paint. This approach has led to some of her paintings being considered self-portraits, and in fact she began her professional career as a portraitist.

Beryl focuses on the act of drawing itself, locating her mark-making in time and space, using geometric linear shapes in black, white and red on a stark white unpainted ground. Beryl's work explores the intercurrence between purposeful mark-making and strategies employed to relinquish control, such as drawing blind with the use of a string grid like structure.

The artists, who work from studios in Hampshire, have been preparing for this new exhibition since they graduated/completed their studies last year: Jane from a Certificate in Painting at the Art Academy at London Bridge, and Beryl from Bath Spa University with an MFA. Previously, both women had taken a Foundation course together as a beginning of a journey towards second careers as artists. Jane had formerly been a journalist and Beryl, a psychiatric social worker.

Jane has already exhibited at the Morley Gallery and with Alexander Llewellyn on her own, was shortlisted for the V&A's Inspired by... Competition 2014 and was runner-up in the Art Academy's annual drawing prize in the same year. She will be exhibiting with Llewellyn Alexander in London again this summer.

Beryl White 07966 517707/

J A N E   R I S T / B E R Y L   W H I T E 

Marks on paper

2 0 1 6

01       Yellow paper sun, 2015                                                              195
02       Dissolve the floors of memory, 2015                                         195
03       Evening spread out against the sky, 2016                                 195 
04       Earthscape, 2016                                                                       195
05       A site for thought, 2015                                                             195
06        Riding seaward on the waves, 2015                                          195
07        Study in red, 2015                                                                     195
08        Pressure, 2016                                                                          195
09        Moment of Awareness, 2015                                                     195
10        Winter 12.31, 2016                                                                    195
11        Winter 6.39, 2016                                                                      195
12       Winter 7.43, 2016                                                                       195
13       Lingered upon the pools, 2016                                                   195
14       Blow the wind southerly, 2016                                                   195
15.       a,b,c, Tremulous cadence slow I, II, III, 2016,                            65 ea
16       Small nude, 2014                                                                         65
17        Lying nude, 2016                                                                       225
18        Leaving dreams behind, 2016                                                    195
19       Corners of the evening, 2016                                                    195                
20       All that can be, is, 2016                                                              195
21        Disturbing the universe, 2016                                                    225
22        Landscape nude, 2014                                                               75
23       After Turner, 2016                                                                       195
24       Nude, oil bar, 2015                                                                     225
25       Seated nude, 2014                                                                      225
26       Nude with cushion, 2016                                                            225
27       Wonderful to meet a megalosaurus IISt Ives, 2016                  495
28       Free in the tearing wind, 2016                                                   250
29       Winter, 12,31am II, 2016                                                            250
30       Migrants crossing, 2016                                                             495
31       Old man of the sea II, 2014-16                                                  290
32       Lost child, 2014                                                                         NFS


33        Eyes Tight Shut, 2015                                                               395
34        Eyes Wide Open, 2015                                                              395
35       Tobias and The Angel, 2016                                                       395
36        Spatial Awareness I, 2016                                                          395
37       Spatial Awareness II, 2016                                                          395
38       Spatial Awareness III, 2016                                                         395
39        Bending The Rules I, 2016                                                         395
40       Bending The Rules II, 2016,                                                        395
41       Bending the Rules III, 2016                                                         395
42       Line Drawing I, 2016                                                                   395
43       Line Drawing II, 2016                                                                  395
44       Circular Thought, 2013                                                                395
45       Ideas of Reference, 2013                                                              395
46       Pods, 2013                                                                                    450
47       Cornish Forms, 2016                                                                    125
50       Cornish Forms, 2016                                                                    125
51       Bending The Rules IV, 2015                                                         295
52       Bending The Rules V, 2015                                                          295
53       Bending The Rules VI, 2015                                                        295
54       Bending The Rules VII, 2015                                                       295
55       Grids, 2015                                                                                    295




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